The days are getting shorter. Darkness arrives earlier.in the evening. Daylight Saving Time ends on November 1st and we turn our clocks back one hour. When we wake up Sunday morning it will be a little darker than yesterday morning. We’ll have one extra hour for sleep.
Healthy nights of sleep are essential to recharge our human organs and maintain good health and longevity. 
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In healthy sleep all the organs in our body can rest and regenerate.  In order to fulfill the essential number of regenerating sleep cycles the average adult needs 7-8 hours. A five stage sleep cycle repeats consistently throughout the night.  One complete sleep cycle lasts about 90 minutes. So during an average night’s sleep (8 hours), an adult will experience about four or five cycles of sleep.
 History of Daylight Saving Time
The concept of setting the clocks ahead in the spring in order to make better use of natural daylight was first introduced in the US by inventor Benjamin Franklin in 1784.
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During his time as an American envoy to France, Ben Franklin, publisher of the old English proverb, “Early to bed, and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise” anonymously published a letter suggesting that Parisians economize on candles by rising earlier to use morning sunlight.
This 1784 satire proposed rationing candles and waking the public by ringing church bells and firing cannons at sunrise.
US President Franklin D. Roosevelt instituted year-round DST in the United States, called “War Time” during World War II from February 9, 1942 to September 30, 1945. The change was implemented 40 days after the bombing of Pearl Harbor and during this time, the U.S. time zones were called “Eastern War Time”, “Central War Time”, and “Pacific War Time”. After the surrender of Japan in mid-August 1945, the time zones were relabeled “Peace Time”.
Congress decided to end the confusion and establish the Uniform Time Act of 1966 that stated DST would begin on the last Sunday of April and end on the last Sunday of October. However, states still had the ability to be exempt from DST by passing a local ordinance. (The exceptions to DST are Arizona, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and American Samoa.)
 This weekend, dentists have the opportunity to “fall back” and help the millions of their Sleep Apnea victims. 
Upcoming training seminars by Dental Sleep Medicine experts are available every weekend.
You can view the dates and course outlines and register here:

Nov 2015

PHILADELPHIA, PA – 11/06/2015 – 11/07/2015 Register Now! 
SALT LAKE CITY, UT – 11/06/2015 – 11/07/2015 Register Now! 
IRVINE, CA – 11/13/2015 – 11/14/2015 Register Now! 
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK – 11/13/2015 – 11/14/2015 Register Now! 
LAS VEGAS, NV – 11/20/2015 – 11/21/2015 Register Now! 
MEMPHIS, TN – 11/20/2015 – 11/21/2015 Register Now! 

Dec 2015

CHICAGO, IL – 12/04/2015 – 12/05/2015 Register Now! 
TAMPA, FL – 12/04/2015 – 12/05/2015 Register Now! 
HOUSTON, TX – 12/11/2015 – 12/12/2015 Register Now! 
WASHINGTON, DC – 12/11/2015 – 12/12/2015 Register Now! 
NEW YORK, NY – 12/18/2015 – 12/19/2015 Register Now! 
SAN JOSE, CA – 12/18/2015 – 12/19/2015 Register Now! 

Does your New Patient Exam include a Sleep Apnea screening?


Patients are realizing that snoring is a warning sign of a more serious condition. A blockage of oxygen to the brain, caused by apnoeic events, can influence systemic damage.
-Sleep Apnea is connected to strokes, cardiac arrest, diabetes, dementia and motor vehicle accidents.
-The public asks their dentists for help- most dentists are unprepared. -Less than 5% of practicing dentists are trained and qualified to screen and treat the over 40 million victims of Sleep Apnea.
-One of the next three patients that walk thru your doors suffers from a sleep disorder.
Are you prepared to help them?
Are you providing a truly comprehensive exam?
On December 4th and 5th in Tampa, Fla.,  Dr. Barry Freydberg will show how to incorporate Dental Sleep Medicine into a dental practice. He has a unique perspective on DSM and will share ideas from his own successful dental practice, including medical Insurance billing- Codes, Fees and Procedures.
Learn with 16 CE credits and have a hands-on experience with the diagnostic materials and equipment.
Date :   Friday and Saturday, Dec. 4th and 5th 
Time:    8 AM to 5 PM
Venue: Tampa Hilton Hotel.  
After enjoying the Dental Sleep Medicine seminar, you can take advantage of Tampa’s excellent recreational activities and dining options.https://adental.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/4-23-14-sclar.jpg

Review the course outline and register here:

12/04/2015 – 12/05/2015

Hilton Tampa Airport Westshore

Dr. Barry Freydberg, a 1968 graduate of the University Of Illinois College Of Dentistry was a full-time practicing general dentist, until recently, where he now spends most of his chair-side time practicing dental sleep medicine in Illinois and Arizona. He says, “In my senior practice years, sleep medicine is fascinating, physically much easier than general dentistry and more rewarding.”

Dr. Freydberg was named University of Illinois “Alumni of the Year” in 2004. He is a Fellow of the Academy of General Dentistry, a Fellow of the International College of Dentists, a Fellow of the American College of Dentists and a Fellow of the International Academy for Dental-Facial Esthetics. He is a leading speaker on conservative “Prepless” esthetic dentistry and is considered a pioneer in raising dentists’ awareness of the ever-growing link between high technology and practice and clinical management.

Here’s how to get your CE credits and more.

It’s late-October and there are just a few months left to get those CE credits.
Here’s how to do it and score even greater benefits:
Have your Dental Study Club or local Dental Association schedule a speaker for a Dental Sleep Medicine presentation. We will provide a nationally known DSM speaker, all materials, CE credits and most importantly, a valuable introduction to Dental Sleep Medicine.
Hands-on training
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 Presentation Outline
These DSM presentations include:
  • analysis of patients’ symptoms and how to screen for them
  • scripts for an effective patient interview
  • how to motivate the Dental team to commit their patients
  • how to get your patients to “own” their disease
  • the morphology of the airway
  • comorbidities to look out for
  • the effects on the systemic organs
  • the reimbursement strategy and insurance billing using dental and medical coding.
Dentists who attended our DSM presentations have gone on to secure huge rewards for their patients and their practices. Email me at <cskdoc@aol.com> to find an available date for a presentation to your study club or dental society meeting.


Scary connection: Sleep Apnea and Acid Reflux

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How it happens:
During the cessations of breathing the body will increase its efforts to take in air.
Abdominal contractions are exaggerated and increase until breathing resumes.
The contractions squeeze the stomach and force acid up the esophagus.
The efforts to breathe also increase a negative pressure in the esophagus which also
 pull up acid.

Become a Sleep Medicine Dentist and help your patients that have these Sleep Apnea connected comorbidities and symptoms-
Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, GERD, headaches, nocturnal bruxism.

Explanations like this are presented in upcoming Sleep Apnea seminars.
You can view the course outlines and register here:

Oct 2015

ATLANTA, GA –           10/16/2015 – 10/17/2015 Register Now! 
LOS ANGELES, CA – 10/16/2015 – 10/17/2015 Register Now! 
SEATTLE, WA –         10/23/2015 – 10/24/2015 Register Now! 

Nov 2015

PHILADELPHIA, PA –   11/06/2015 – 11/07/2015 Register Now! 
SALT LAKE CITY, UT – 11/06/2015 – 11/07/2015 Register Now! 
IRVINE, CA –                 11/13/2015 – 11/14/2015 Register Now! 
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK –11/13/2015 – 11/14/2015 Register Now! 
LAS VEGAS, NV –          11/20/2015 – 11/21/2015 Register Now! 
MEMPHIS, TN –              11/20/2015 – 11/21/2015 Register Now! 

Scary connection between Sleep Apnea and Acid Reflux

10-28-14 GHOST 1

Most Sleep Apnea sufferers have Acid Reflux…. and other comorbidities.

How it happens:
During the cessations of breathing the body will increase its efforts to take in air.
Abdominal contractions are exaggerated and increase until breathing resumes.
The contractions squeeze the stomach and force acid up the esophagus.
The efforts to breathe also increase a negative pressure in the esophagus which also pull up acid.

Become a Sleep Medicine Dentist and help your patients that have these Sleep Apnea connected comorbidities and symptoms-
Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, GERD, headaches, nocturnal bruxism.

Explanations like this are presented in the upcoming Sleep Apnea seminars.
You can view the course outlines and register here:

Oct 2015

ATLANTA, GA –           10/16/2015 – 10/17/2015 Register Now! 
LOS ANGELES, CA – 10/16/2015 – 10/17/2015 Register Now! 
SEATTLE, WA –         10/23/2015 – 10/24/2015 Register Now! 

Nov 2015

PHILADELPHIA, PA –   11/06/2015 – 11/07/2015 Register Now! 
SALT LAKE CITY, UT – 11/06/2015 – 11/07/2015 Register Now! 
IRVINE, CA –                 11/13/2015 – 11/14/2015 Register Now! 
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK –11/13/2015 – 11/14/2015 Register Now! 
LAS VEGAS, NV –          11/20/2015 – 11/21/2015 Register Now! 
MEMPHIS, TN –              11/20/2015 – 11/21/2015 Register Now! 




Sending your patients an End of Year Benefit Reminder now will give you time to send any Pre-treatment Estimates needed and still have time to seat any crowns or fabricate an Intraoral Sleep Apnea appliance before the end of the year.

With just a few months left in the year, it’s time to remind patients of their unused benefits…to use them or lose them.   Your patients may have  forgotten about those unused insurance benefits that have been deducted from their salary all year and they will be lost if not used!

Don’t let your patients throw their money down the drain!


 Remember to Tweet and post on Facebook. New prospects looking for a dentist have unused insurance benefits, too,  and you just let them know where they can use them…in your office!

Here is a sample notice that you can customize and send:

Subject:  You Could be Losing Benefits You’ve Already Earned.

Another year is winding down!  We wanted to remind you to make sure you take advantage of any unused dental insurance benefits you may have remaining since most companies do not allow you to carry these over to the next year.

Not sure if you have benefits remaining? No problem!  Call us at (office telephone number) or email (office email address) to schedule your appointment, or if we can be of assistance in any way. We’re here for you!

Look forward to seeing you soon!

(Doctor’s Name)

Sample Tweet or Facebook post – Reminder: Take advantage of any unused Insurance  benefits before the end of the year. They don’t carry over. Call us. (phone) (124 characters)

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