The Body Mass Index (BMI) appraisal is one of the most widely used tools to measure healthy body weight. This ratio of height to weight will help assess whether you are underweight, normal weight or overweight.

 The higher the BMI, the greater the risk of some diseases, including:
Sleep Apnea, Stroke, High blood pressure, Coronary artery disease, Osteoarthritis, Some cancers,  Diabetes type 2
1-30-14 OBESE
Sleep Apnea awareness is “contagious”. As more and more people learn about SA, doctors are driven to get training and certification to be able to discover and treat this disease. Less than 1 % of doctors are trained in Sleep Medicine to help the 40 million people afflicted with SA.
 Here is a BMI calculator, from the Mayo Clinic, that you can use to determine your (or a child’s) BMI.
Take the assessment, then rate yourself (below).
Category BMI range – kg/m2 BMI Prime
Very severely underweight less than 15 less than 0.60
Severely underweight from 15.0 to 16.0 from 0.60 to 0.64
Underweight from 16.0 to 18.5 from 0.64 to 0.74
Normal (healthy weight) from 18.5 to 25 from 0.74 to 1.0
Overweight from 25 to 30 from 1.0 to 1.2
Obese Class I (Moderately obese) from 30 to 35 from 1.2 to 1.4
Obese Class II (Severely obese) from 35 to 40 from 1.4 to 1.6
Obese Class III (Very severely obese) over 40 over 1.6

Each unit increase in BMI is associated with a 14% increased risk of developing sleep apnea, and a 10% weight gain increases the odds of developing moderate or severe obstructive sleep apnea by six times. Compared to normal-weight adults, those who are obese have a sevenfold increased risk of developing obstructive sleep apnea.
 Taking neck measurements is inexpensive, easy to obtain and could indicate health problems like sleep apnea, says one study.
BMI isn’t the sole marker of obesity that’s important. Men with a neck circumference above 16.5 inches (43 centimeters) and women with a neck circumference above 15 inches (38 centimeters) also have a significantly increased risk of developing obstructive sleep apnea.  That is because a thick neck may narrow the airway.
1-30-14 g
MEN- What size shirt do you wear?


1-25-14 DIAMONDSome "diamonds" from Dr. Tache's Sleep Medicine seminar Feb. 7-8th.

WHY is High Blood Pressure a symptom of SA?

WHY is Acid Reflux (GERD) a symptom of SA?

WHY is Diabetes a symptom of SA?

Dr. Dan Tache' will explain these relationships and physiology.

Attend and "mine" for more diamonds. 
                               Learn how to help those who are Sleepless in Seattle.

12-15-13 NOCT. BRUX man in bed                             Earn 16 CE credits and become The Sleep Dentist.
Brand yourself as a Doctor who understands and discovers sleep problems.

The winners in this difficult economy will be those Dentists who are able to offer the combination of patient engagement and niche marketing.    Those Dentists who convince people that they understand all their needs, truly care about them, and have a unique and essential serviceto offer, will stand out.  Patients’ priorities have changed. The money is still there. They are willing and ready to spend money on their priorities.

The current need, and “buzz”, is in treating sleep apnea Patients are asking their Dentists about sleep apnea. How comfortable are YOU with the answers? It is reported that less than .5% of practicing Dentists are able to assist the more than 50 million people who suffer from sleep apnea. There is a growing public awareness of the hazards that come from a nocturnal stoppage of breathing. Your patients are becoming increasingly more concerned about the blockage of oxygen to the brain and other organs. Strokes. Heart attacks. Diabetes, Dementia.  As a Care Giver, think of how you can serve. Serve an unfilled need.


Read more about this inside Sleep Magazine: 

See the Two day course outline and register here:

  After the Seminar Dr. Tache’ will continue to Mentor you, giving you the confidence to be a Sleep Medicine Doctor. 

About Dr. Dan Tache’ the Instructor:
A native of Salem, MA, Dr. Tache’ has been practicing dentistry since 1975. He received his undergraduate degree from St. Anselm’s College in Manchester, NH, and his Doctor of Dental Medicine degree from Tufts University School of Dental Medicine in 1974. Dr. Tache’ began lecturing for SGS in 2006 and is currently serving as President of the Wisconsin Sleep Society.


Doctor- do you want to start your own Study Club?

“I’ve always wanted to, but didn’t know how to begin”

Climb the ladder of Success

1-21-12 Success Ladder

Think of the benefits:
-Increase interdisciplinary cooperation for your patients’ welfare.
-Share knowledge with dental GP’s, specialists and other healthcare professionals including physicians.
-Co-present seminars to groups of potential new patients.
-Build prestige and recognition for yourself and your practice.
-Demonstrate your leadership.

5-20-12 HUMAN PYRPlease contact me and I will be happy to help you get started.
I will show you how to build your group, arrange meetings, get creative and magnetic topics, promote your seminars to the public, and attain all the benefits.

1-21-13 LOGO DENTAL PROS SHARINGDISCLOSURE: I am not selling anything. My interest is to promote good health and the image of First Class dentistry.

CHILDREN AND SLEEP: Consistent Bedtime is as Important as Sleep Quality and Quantity.



There are numerous studies on the quality and the quantity of sleep for children. Now there is insight to the regularity of children’s sleep.  It is found that he consistent nature of bedtimes during early childhood is related to cognitive performance. Considering the importance of early child development, this may be an influence for health throughout life.





A study out of the United Kingdom revealed that inconsistent bedtimes for young children result inlower scores on reading, math, and spatial awareness tests administered at age 7, compared to children who went to bed at the same time every night.


This research is particularly interesting because it zeroes in on the timing of sleep and the issue of bedtime consistency, apart from sleep quality or quantity. In the study, 11,178 children whose bedtimes were irregular at ages 3, 5, and 7 were tested at age 7.



7-14-1`2 teacher and sleeper




 At age 7, not having a regular bedtime was related to lower cognitive test scores in girls: reading (β: −0.22), maths (β: −0.26) and spatial (β: −0.15), but not for boys. Non-regular bedtimes at age 3 were independently associated, in girls and boys, with lower reading (β: −0.10, −0.20), maths (β: −0.16, −0.11) and spatial (β: −0.13, −0.16) scores. Cumulative relationships were apparent. Girls who never had regular bedtimes at ages 3, 5 and 7 had significantly lower reading (β: −0.36), maths (β: −0.51) and spatial (β: −0.40) scores, while for boys this was the case for those having non-regular bedtimes at any two ages (3, 5 or 7 years): reading (β: −0.28), maths (β: −0.22) and spatial (β: −0.26) scores. In boys having non-regular bedtimes at all three ages (3, 5 and 7 years) were non-significantly related to lower reading, maths and spatial scores.




“Time for Bed: associations with cognitive performance in 7 year old children: a longitudinal population based study”
Yvonne Kelly, John Kelly, Amanda Sacker
Department of Epidemiology and Public Health
, University College London, London, UK
Published Online First
8 July 2013



The warmest part of the continental U.S. this week has been Ft Lauderdale, 
Florida. The temperature is 68 degrees at 9 PM this evening. 

10-1-13 FT LAUDJoin us here for a 2 day training seminar on Jan. 17-18.  Dr. Jeffrey Horowitz will
present his Sleep Medicine seminar and offer you 16 CE credits and a Q and A 
dinner with him after Friday's session. 

                        Had enough of this cold weather yet? "Common down."
12-18-13 HANDS ON HEAD

Sleep Apnea victims are looking for a dental professional like you to treat 
their symptoms. This course is designed to give you with the knowledge to 
return to your practice and begin Sleep Apnea screening and treatment protocols. 
40 million patients need YOUR help.
7-14-12 MAN SLEEPINGDr. Horowitz shares his unique perspective on Dental Sleep Medicine in an A to Z 
presentation.  Included: Medical Insurance billing, Codes, Fees and Procedures.

Review the course outline and register here:

Dr. Jeffrey Horowitz


 Dr. Horowitz has dedicated himself to continuing education, earning fellowship award from the Academy of General Dentistry, Mentorship status at the prestigious Kois Center for Advanced Dental Studies, and fellowship in the Pierre Fauchard Academy. Dr. Horowitz is also a member of the American Association of Dental Sleep Medicine.


Getting tired of the freezing weather? See you in Ft. Lauderdale!

The warmest part of the continental U.S. this week has been Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. 
10-1-13 FT LAUD It gets even hotter in the weekend of Jan 17th-18th, when Dr. Jeffrey Horowitz 
presents his Sleep Medicine seminar and offers you 16 CE credits to start your new year. 
This course is designed to provide you with the knowledge to confidently return to 
your practice and immediately begin implementing new screening and treatment protocols.

Dentists are in the first line of discovery and defense of many systemic diseases. 
We are often the first ones to discover diabetes, sleep apnea and oral cancer. 
These three serious conditions are all too frequently under-diagnosed. 
You will become prepared to be able to do far more as a comprehensive caregiver
for your patients. 

Sleep Apnea victims are looking for a dental professional like you to treat their symptoms.
Learn Dental Sleep Medicine with 16 CE credits. 
Friday and Saturday, January 17th and 18th in sunny Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

1-5-11 SEMINAR 1

Dr. Horowitz shares his unique perspective on Dental Sleep Medicine in an A to Z 
presentation.  Included: Medical Insurance billing, Codes, Fees and Procedures.1-21-13 LOGO DENTAL PROS SHARING                 Review the course outline and register here:

Dr. Jeffrey Horowitz


 Dr. Horowitz has dedicated himself to continuing education, earning fellowship award from the Academy of General Dentistry, Mentorship status at the prestigious Kois Center for Advanced Dental Studies, and fellowship in the Pierre Fauchard Academy. Dr. Horowitz is also a member of the American Association of Dental Sleep Medicine.