Dentists can get paid for an “Office Visit” like a Physician.
You can bill your services to your patient’s benefit company and to Medicare.
Sleep Apnea victims will not have to go untreated in YOUR office.

SUBJECT:           Introduction to Dental Sleep Medicine
DATE:                   May 9th and 10th – Friday and Saturday
TIME:                     8 A.M. to 5 P.M.
LOCATION:          Denver, CO at The Embassy Suites Downtown/Convention Ctr.
PRESENTER:      Dr. Marty Lipsey

Dr. Marty Lipsey is one of the foremost authorities on electronic medical billing and successful insurance coding and processing for Sleep Apnea services. He trains dental practices from New York to Los Angeles in Dental Sleep Medicine and Medical Billing systems.


Sleep apnea is dangerous because if untreated, it leads to high blood pressure (among other diseases) and is associated with an increased chance of heart attack, abnormal heart rhythms and heart failure. Studies have shown that sleep apnea can decrease life expectancy by several years.

4-28-14 things-to-do-in-denver-when-youThis was a four star movie in 1995.


By the way, did you know how many motor vehicle accidents each year can be blamed on fatigue? The number is 100,000 and climbing, according to the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Think of this way: can you imagine how much safer our roads would be if everyone would just get enough rest?

Article Source:

Dr. Lipsey will guide you thru a protocol for learning Dental Sleep Medicine from A to ZZZZZZ.

1-29-13  SNORINGThis 2 day course is designed to provide you with the knowledge to confidently return to your practice and immediately begin implementing new screening and treatment protocols.

The course includes:

  • Patient Education,
  • Case Presentation and Treatment Acceptance,
  • Hands-on working with the popular Oral Appliances including TAP, Respire, EMA, Silent Night and others,
  • Sleep Apnea Medical Insurance Codes, Fees, and Billing Procedures,
  • And much more.

LIP 8 AAfter the Seminar Dr. Lipsey will continue to Mentor you, giving you the confidence to be a Sleep Medicine Doctor.


Watch this video, read the full course outline, and register here:

About Dr. Marty Lipsey :

Dr. Marty Lipsey

Dr. Marty Lipsey, received his DDS degree from UCLA and a Master of Science from Northwestern University Dental School. Dr. Lipsey is the founder of Dental Sleep Med Systems, offering dental teams assistance in implementing and/or improving their dental sleep medicine practices, including electronic medical billing and successful insurance coding and processing. Dr. Lipsey is a Sleep Group Solutions Executive Instructor, and teaches Dental Sleep Medicine from coast to coast.


Does your New Patient exam include a Sleep Apnea screening? 
-Patients are realizing how a blockage of oxygen to the brain, caused by nocturnal 
apnoeic events, can influence systemic damage. 
-Sleep Apnea is connected to strokes, cardiac arrest, diabetes and dementia.  
-The public asks their dentists for help- most dentists are unprepared. 
-Less than 4% of practicing dentists are trained and qualified to screen and treat 
the over 40 million victims of Sleep Apnea. 
-One of the next three patients that walk thru your doors is a Sleep Apnea victim. 
-Are you prepared to help them? 
1-29-13  SNORINGDentists are in the first line of discovery and defense of many systemic diseases. 
We are often the first ones to discover sleep apnea, diabetes and oral cancer. 
These serious conditions lare all too frequently under-diagnosed. 
New tools and techniques are now available for dental professionals to be able to 
do far more as comprehensive caregivers for their patients. An interdisciplinary 
approach, enabling conferencing and sharing of information between patients' 
full medical teams will provide the most reliable diagnosis and optimal treatment.
Dr. Jeff Horowitz has a unique perspective on Dental Sleep Medicine and 
will share ideas from his own successful dental practice

Learn Dental Sleep Medicine with 16 CE credits. 

Friday and Saturday, May 2nd and 3rd in Miami, Fla., at the Sclar Center.  
In beautiful South Miami, Florida, the Sclar Center is just 20 minutes from 
Miami International Airport by car or taxi. It is easily accessible by all major airlines.  
After enjoying the Dental Sleep Medicine seminar, you can also take advantage 
of Miami's excellent recreational activities and dining options.
4-23-14 SCLAR

This course is designed to provide you with the knowledge to confidently return to your practice and immediately begin implementing new screening and treatment protocols.

In this 2 day seminar Dr. Jeffrey Horowitz presents a Dental Sleep protocol from A to Z, including Medical Insurance billing- Codes, Fees and Procedures.1-21-13 LOGO DENTAL PROS SHARING

Review the course outline and register here:

Dr. Jeffrey Horowitz


Dr Horowitz has dedicated himself to continuing education, earning fellowship award from the Academy of General Dentistry, Mentorship status at the prestigious Kois Center for Advanced Dental Studies, and fellowship in the Pierre Fauchard Academy. Dr. Horowitz is also a member of the American Association of Dental Sleep Medicine.

Are you providing a Comprehensive Exam?




In your New Patient Exam are you missing an opportunity to discover an illness that your patient is not aware of … and that you may be able to treat?

United States’ Medical professionals have noted the increase of patients with Sleep Apnea. A recent study shows that 34% of the population have symptoms of Sleep Apnea.  Air pollution, lack of exercise and greater public awareness may contribute to this increase. In order to combat Sleep Apnea the conditions must be monitored and reported to trained, qualified doctors for evaluation.
4-6-14 AIRWAY
Pulse oximetry, along with a clinical score (Epworth Sleepiness Score, for example), is an effective screening tool for Sleep Apnea and other sleep disordered breathing. This approach, though not as accurate or comprehensive as polysomnography, is an effective screening tool.  The oximeter provides the necessary information relating to how well air is getting into the lungs,
and consequently oxygen into the blood stream.

Fingertip pulse oximeters are very inexpensive and are available at local pharmacies and on-line.
Every dental practice can make this two minute test part of their patient exam.

How pulse oximetry works in evidencing sleep apnea is very simple. When a person has sleep apnea, s/he experiences moments when s/he does not breathe (apnea events). When this happens the oxygen that circulates in the blood drops to an abnormally low level. A pulse oximeter will detect the drop in the oxygen saturation of the blood.

Significant oxygen saturation change is defined as a drop in oxygen saturation of greater or equal to 4 percent and to a level of 90% or below. Each series of changes represents an apnea episode.

The pulse oximeter is an important part of a sleep study because it monitors the blood oxygen levels. The mechanism of the device uses infrared light that passes through the finger, or sometimes the earlobe, and measures the difference between the oxygen-bound and unbound hemoglobin. The oxygen-bound hemoglobin have the wavelength of red light, and the oxygen-unbound hemoglobin have the wavelength of blue light. The oximeter measures the difference between these two hemoglobin compositions, and the value of their difference displays whether the oxygen saturation in the blood is normal or not.

4-6-14 OXIMETER 2
Pulse oximeters also give readings of pulse rates. Research has shown that obstructive sleep apnea changes heart rate dynamics. During periods of prolonged obstructive sleep apnea, the heart rate typically shows cyclic fluctuation associated with the apneic phase and the resumption of breathing. By analyzing the heart rate, a study has shown that obstructive sleep apnea could be detected in over 93% of the test cases.
